Summertime and the Livin’s Easy?

I have finally started summer as of this morning! As a teacher, that’s a big deal – I mean, sure, we technically aren’t paid to work for two months, but I LIVE for my summers. Finally, teachers get time to detox from the crazy life of the classroom, remove themselves from the office politics, and relax.

However, I am finding that even though it’s finally summer (for me), I am still stuck in teaching. I have ideas for the fall constantly invading my head. Also, we all know there’s the summer planning that has to get done since I have two new classes this fall. Finally, twitter is a blessing and a curse – everyday I reconsider my practice at least 10 times… and thus, there goes my ‘relaxing’ summer. 🙂

The lesson here is that you can take the teacher out of the classroom, but you can never take the profession out of the teacher.

One thought on “Summertime and the Livin’s Easy?

  1. Haha the same goes for me. I wake up in the middle of the night because the dog is barking and of course thoughts start popping in my brain – stuff for fall project – and I can’t fall back asleep! And I heard a radio commercial today about a company – RV sales or something – their workers have “passion for their work and care about their customers” lol…..Well have a great rest of the summer!!

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